Promotion of creative studio Upside Cloud creative 
july 2019

Upside Cloud creative studio is a business with its own photo studio, team of graphic and web designers, photographers, videographers, artists, stylists, and branding specialists. To attract the attention of business representatives to the studio, a contest was held on the Upside Cloud creative Instagram account. Participants were required to creatively describe their business projects. The author of the best description won the design of a corporate style for their business project from the art director of Upside Cloud creative.

About the Upside Cloud creative

Throughout the years, the Integma agency team has implemented hundreds of projects in the fields of creativity, branding and graphic design, copywriting, and the production of photo and video content. However, it was rare for new clients to turn to the agency for purely creative requests. More often than not, new business requests were connected with integrated communications, where work on the creative aspect was only a part of strategic and tactical efforts. Today, Upside Cloud creative studio is an independent business unit with its own photo studio, team of graphic and web designers, photographers, videographers, artists, stylists, and branding specialists.

Upside Cloud creative BUSINESS GOALS AND TASKS
1Building brand awareness for the creative studio among potential clients
2Increasing conversion from knowledge to consideration among potential clients of creative services
3Attracting subscribers and decreasing the cost of targeted action (subscriptions)
what started the studio's promotion


In April we launched our first ad campaign on Instagram, which was aimed at attracting clients of creative services.

The creative concept for the campaign "It's a match!" was based around the following message: "You're looking for beautiful and effective visual solutions for your brand, and we create them. It's a match!"

For ads targeting male and female audiences, different creative solutions were developed. 

However, it very soon became clear that the ad campaign wasn't working: users actively went to the account page, but didn't subscribe. For male users, CTR was 0,76%, bringing only 6 new followers. CTR for female users was 0.87%, bringing 4 new followers.

Given the low efficiency of traditional means of promotion, it was necessary to find a creative solution to attract attention to the studio and decrease the costs per follower on Instagram.

In order to attract the attention of small and medium business owners, we announced a contest for Upside Cloud creative followers: participants were required to creatively describe their business project in order to compete for the free development of a corporate identity from the studio's art director.

To promote the contest on the Upside Cloud creative Instagram, a consistent visual approach was developed.

We tested different formats and creative solutions for the promotion that were aimed to optimize CTR and the level of contest participation.

Channels for contest promotion
1 Integma social representatives
2 Ads on social media
3 PR, ads in professional associations, seeding among friendly opinion leaders
  • Publication on
    Telegram channel "Antigloss"
    World Brand Design

  • Seeding

    Posts by 13 opinion leaders

Information support
As a result of the project, we received 5 requests for the development of a corporate identity, 2 of which were taken on.
Reach of >300 thousand people
>5 thousand conversions to the landing page with contest terms and conditions
300 contest entries
1 winner (corporate identity being developed)
+1000 new followers during the contest 
Cost per follower decreased by12  at a cost of 124 rubles per follower

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