Identity for MEDFORD
December 2019

Medford Medical Solutions, a distributor of high-tech medical diagnostic equipment, has been operating on the Russian market since 2009. As part of their rebranding strategy, we carried out a comprehensive project on re-visualizing the brand and created a logo, slogan, color scheme, and font solution, as well as visualizing corporate identity media and creating a brandbook.

Dark blue
R20 G105 B145 C87 M49 Y25 K9 HEX #146991
R53 G146 B202 C75 M31 Y4 K0 HEX #3592ca
R42 G181 B185 C71 M0 Y32 K0 HEX #2ab5b9
R237 G118 B106 C0 M65 Y52 K0 HEX #ed766a
R255 G157 B104 C0 M49 Y60 K0 HEX #ff9d68
Light blue
R179 G214 B233 C43 M6 Y7 K0 HEX #b3d6e9

The main color combination is a blend of white, light blue, turquoise, and dark blue, with coral chosen as an accent color. White plays a large role in the brand's image by adding lightness and making it modern. 

The company slogan — MEDDIAGNOSTICS FORDOCTORS — is now not only a new way of communicating the brand's full name, but also reflects its main area of activity.

We also laid the foundation for further development of the brand and the formation of sub-brands: an educational platform for doctors, regional associations, and other company projects.

The icon set illustrates every stage of interaction with doctors and medical centers. 

Thank you, Integma creative hub, you have created the new MEDFORD! The brand will now be percieved in a new way both by clients and employees!
Petr Ponsov
Commercial Director of MEDFORD

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